How can I communicate the economic benefits of the arts in my grant proposal?
How can I communicate the economic benefits of the arts in my grant proposal?
- A quick Google search will turn up a wealth of information about the value and benefits of participation in the arts. In addition to Americans for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts, organizations ranging from Princeton University to the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies have stepped up to provide data and research.
- Some years ago, the Urban Institute and the Center for What Works collaborated on the “Outcomes Indicators Project.” In addition to 13 other topic areas, that project developed a set of “candidate outcomes” for the performing arts. Take a look for some helpful ideas on benefits you can consider when proposing program outcomes.
- The economic benefits of the arts have also been researched and documented. Information provided by the New England Foundation for the Arts is just one example of data on the “creative economy.”
- With a few modifications, The Grantsmanship Center’s proposal writing model works well for arts-related grant requests. The Center’s textbook, Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing, lays out the model step-by-step, and includes a section on how to adapt the model for various types of proposals, including the arts. We also offer a brief publication on adaptations to the model that are required for various types of proposals. Check out our publications.