Let's Talk About the Problem, Part 1

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The heart of program planning is problem analysis. Problem analysis includes the definition of the problem along with why it is happening. As you design a program, clear analysis of the problem leads logically to the outcomes (objectives) of the program. And understanding the causes of the problem gives direction for the approach (methods).


Four questions that help clarify the problem and its causes include: why? who says? who cares? and so what? Peppering these questions throughout the planning process will help us challenge preconceived notions and keep focus.


We’ll approach this first from the perspective of proactive planning. In a later post, we’ll look at reactive planningthose times when we find a funding initiative and then try to mold a program to “fit”.


Begin with a simple statement: the problem is ___________. Then the questions: Why do we believe this is a problem? What is the frequency or incidence of the problem? Pull the statistics together and see if the reality makes sense.


Ask who says? to review and document the problem with both statistics and, if possible, examples. Ask that question throughout the problem analysis to challenge assumptions. Are we on track, or are our assumptions unfounded?


Then ask, so what? What does this problem mean for the people we propose to serve? What does it mean for the community?


The question who cares? should stimulate a discussion about what the impact of the problem on the people we propose to serve. Also, identify resulting costs to community and society, either financial or human.


When working with a team, familiarize the team with the questions and normalize using them. Use these four questions to challenge thinking throughout planning so that ultimately, not only is the proposal compelling and clear, but the actual program will be effective.



Patty Wolfe is an independent consultant to nonprofit organizations.


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