A Quick Review of Logic

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The grant proposal is a logical argument for funding, as we state in our textbook, Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing. The logic of the the proposal flows from the logic of your Program design. You see a problem and you think of a way to fix that problem. The solution comes logically from your understanding of the problem.


If there is a break in the logic, the program plan will appear to have flaws. This is especially critical when you are writing the grant request. The funder will know if there are flaws in the logic, and it will weaken your proposal. So, a quick review:


  • The Problem Discussion describes the underlying reason you are developing a program in the first place.  Start your planning here.  Identify the behavior, condition or situation that is of concern in your community. Identify the people affected by the problemthe target population.  The Problem Discussion is supported by facts and data, plus information that puts a human face on the problem. 
  • The Problem Discussion includes an analysis of the Causes or Contributing Factors that led to the problem.  There can be many causes, but some will be beyond the control or capacity of your organization to address. Narrow the list down to those causes your organization (with partners, if appropriate) can reasonably impact.
  • Your Methods (or program design) will identify strategies to impact each cause you have identified as realistic for your organization to handle.  This is a critical step in the proposal logic: if you can address some of the causes of a problem, you should see a change in the problem.
  • Many organizations begin their planning with the Methods (the program design.) They already have a solution (a foodbank, a literacy program, a new theatre,) and then try to back into the problem description.  You may have a solution in mind, but be sure to start your planning with the Problem or you may lose pieces of the logic along the way.
  • Finally, the change is the Outcome.  The outcome shows a measurable impact on the Problem you have identified (remember, the Problem is supported by datahow many people are experiencing it).  The Outcome states how much change you intend to achieve, and in what time period.  It measures the change only for people participating in your program. Your Evaluation plan will show how you plan to measure the Outcome, the change.


With these elements in place and connected logically, you're on your way to designing an effective program and creating a powerful argument for funding.


Susan Chandler is an independent consultant to nonprofit organizations.


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