Nonprofit Resources in Ohio

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Ohio’s nonprofit roots date all the way back to the establishment of the state’s first ambulance in 1885; since then, the nonprofit sector has flourished throughout the state. According to the Independent Sector, Ohio’s nonprofit organizations employ more than 480,000 people, and generates over $100 billion in annual revenue—making the nonprofit sector crucial to the state of Ohio’s wellbeing. Because of this, funding for impactful nonprofit organizations is readily available throughout the state.

So if you’re looking for Ohio nonprofit grant funding it doesn’t matter if you’re from Akron, Cincinnati, Toledo, Dayton, or another Ohio locale- we’ve got you covered. Want to learn more about how to win grants in Ohio? We think it’s best to start with the following steps.

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Use these free resources to find funders in the State of OHIO


Top Giving Foundations in Ohio

Community Foundations in Ohio

Corporate Giving Programs in Ohio



While Ohio’s nonprofit sector is well-linked throughout the state, it can still be difficult for nonprofits to obtain information about relevant grant opportunities. So, if you’ve been wondering how to win grant funding in Ohio, you’re in the right place! Whether you’re in Cleveland, Youngstown, Columbus, Hamilton, Springfield, or another Ohio city—the following resources will help you find the nonprofit grant funding you need.

One of the state’s most influential organizations is Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations (OANO) whose mission is to “provide leadership, education, and advocacy to enhance the ability of Ohio’s nonprofit organizations to serve their communities.” If you’re interested in government nonprofit grants, start by Finding Your Representative and visiting their website for information about federal grants relevant to Ohio nonprofits. Another fantastic Ohio resource is the Attorney General’s Guide to Ohio Nonprofits which offers helpful information for nonprofits in need of grant funding in Ohio.

Below you’ll find a list of some additional helpful Ohio nonprofit resources. If you know of a resource we may have missed, please reach out and let us know!


General Ohio Resources

- Philanthropy Ohio

- Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations (OANO)

- Ohio Attorney General Handbook for Nonprofits

- Ohio History Fund

- Ohio Humanities

- Ohio CDC Association

- Ohio Prospect Research Network

- Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio

- Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies

- Ohio Arts Council

- Ohio Attorney General Resources for Nonprofits

- Ohio Minority Business Assistance Centers

- Ohio Community Grants, Loans, Bonds & Tax Credits

- Find My Legislators

- Foundation for Appalachian Ohio

- Saint Luke’s Foundation


Northern Ohio (Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Toledo) Grant Resources

- The Cleveland Foundation

- Grant Resource Center at Morley Library

- Akron Community Foundation

- Nonprofit Resource Center at the Akron-Summit County Public Library

- GAR Foundation

- United Way of Summit County

- AFP Northwest Ohio Chapter

- Grant Center at The Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County

- Creative Compass

- Foundation Center Cleveland

- The Center for Nonprofit Resources at the Toledo Community Foundation

- Business Volunteers Unlimited

- Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce


Central Ohio (Columbus, Zanesville, Dayton, Lima) Grant Resources

- The Columbus Foundation

- The Dayton Foundation

- Flyer Consulting

- AFP Central Ohio Chapter

- Springfield Foundation

- The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio

- Neighborhood Partnership Center

- Licking County Foundation

- Nonprofit + Grant Resources at the Dayton Metro Library

- The Catholic Foundation

- The Columbus Jewish Foundation

- The Muskingum County Community Foundation


Southern Ohio (Cincinnati, Hamilton, Huntington, Athens, Parkersburg) Grant Resources

- Greater Cincinnati Foundation

- Grant Resource Center at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

- AFP Greater Cincinnati Chapter

- Cincinnati Community Tool Bank

- Onesource

- United Way of Greater Cincinnati

- The Charles H. Dater Foundation

- Grant Resource Center at the Hamilton Lane Library

- Social Venture Partners

- Impact 100

- Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce


A Quick Review of Logic

As we state in our textbook, Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing, the grant proposal is a logical argument for funding. The logic of the the proposal flows from the logic of your Program design. You see a problem and you think of a way to fix that problem. The solution comes logically from your understanding of the problem. If there is a break in the logic, the program plan will appear to have flaws. This is especially critical when you are writing the grant request. The funder will know if there are flaws in the logic, and it will weaken your proposal.

Let's Talk About the Problem, Part 2

(or The Lack of a Program is Not the Problem) Planning programs proactively makes good sense. We plan programs that are compatible with our organizational mission, capabilities, and community needs. Sometimes, though, in real life a funding opportunity lands in our inbox and there may be pressure to apply. We will need to shift to reactive planning—not the most desirable approach.

Let's Talk About the Problem, Part 1

The heart of program planning is problem analysis. Problem analysis includes the definition of the problem along with why it is happening. As you design a program, clear analysis of the problem leads logically to the outcomes (objectives) of the program. And understanding the causes of the problem gives direction for the approach (methods).

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