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Publications for Purchase

The Ultimate Grants Book!
The New York Times referred to the original as "the grant seekers bible" because it has set the standard for the grant development field for 50 years. Used in more than 40 countries, translated into three languages, and the trusted companion of more than a million readers, now this guide is ready for the new generation!
Updated and expanded by Barbara Floersch, former senior trainer at The Grantsmanship Center, this book, like the original, is inviting, clear, and the most comprehensive guide to planning and developing grant proposals.
ePublications for Download

This checklist is excerpted from, and aligns perfectly with, our textbook, Grantsmanship: Program Planning & Proposal Writing. It gives you the essential points to consider for proposal writing (and while planning your program!). Presented as an easy-to-use, writable, PDF, you can use it again and again.
Get serious about finding the right funders! Understand the research tools and how to use them, the best ways to organize a search, and how to manage the information you find. 19 pages, includes 3 electronic forms!
Securing and managing grants is a vital part of the Executive Director's responsibility. But how can an ED assess the effectiveness of the grants effort, evaluate proposal writing, evaluate grant management, and effectively cope with the strings attached to grant awards? This 18-page article covers all the bases and provides 5 helpful electronic forms to help the ED keep the process on track.
Good management skills alone won't ensure excellent grant administration. An organization-wide policy is essential. You must establish clear expectations and responsibilities, and articulate them in concise and unambiguous language. This 17-page article shows you how, and includes two sample policies.
UPDATED Organizations that receive more than $750,000 in federal funds annually must undergo a rigorous financial and compliance review called a Single Audit. This 14-page article explains the practical and legal aspects of a Single Audit and provides a variety of resources to help your organization go into the process well-prepared.
Develop a compliant purchasing system or bring your current system in line with the Super Circular and best practices. Get "how-to" guidance and 9 fillable PDF forms to tame the majority of your procurement documentation challenges. Authored by grant management expert, Henry Flood.
21 pages plus 45 pages of appendices
Finally! Model policies and procedures ready to tailor specifically to your organization and fully cross-referenced to the Super Circular. This groundbreaking tool by Henry Flood contains:
- 9 fillable PDF forms to tame procurement documentation challenges
- Procurement system self-assessment checklist
- 22 memo templates for the most common purchasing situations
- 4 checklists to keep your procurement activities on track
109 page package plus 79 pages of appendices

Procurement with Federal Grant Funds (21 pages + 45 pages of appendices)
Model Purchasing Policies & Procedures: A Guide for Nonprofits, Governments, and Tribal Organizations (109 page package plus 79 pages of appendices)
Buy both game-changing publications from Henry Flood and save $15!
Procurement with Federal Grant Funds
Model Purchasing Policies & Procedures:
A Guide for Nonprofits, Governments, and Tribal Organizations
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