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No Space for Letters of Commitment?

The grant application guidelines allow 15 pages of attachments, with ten consumed by required documents (IRS determination letter, board list, etc.). You’ve got 15 letters of commitment from diverse community groups pledging resources, volunteers, facilities, transportation, and other significant benefits. It’s a conundrum! The letters are powerful. Which do you use? Which do you leave out?

Win Grants with Proven Partnerships

One organization can’t do everything, and go-it-alone grant proposals that don’t make good use of community networks and resources are not convincing. The most effective proposals include authentic collaborations where participating organizations pursue their own missions while also contributing to a common goal. Unless the "usual-suspect" groups are involved as partners, funders will have questions. For example, if an early childhood agency wants to improve child health through better nutrition, it only makes sense to work with the food bank and the community health center.


Jerry Bertrand

  • Experienced as trainer, consultant, and coach
  • On-site trainer for 16 federal agencies, 7 state governments, and various local governments
  • Focus: grant management, education, federal laws & regulations

What’s a Community Foundation?

When you’re new to the world of grants, some confusion about terms is natural. The terms used to classify different types of foundations is no exception. The three most common types of foundations are private, corporate, and community. In a nutshell, private foundations get their money from private funds, corporate foundations are funded by the profits of a corporation, and community foundations are funded by public donations. Because they are funded by donations from the general public, community foundations are classified as tax-exempt public charities, not as private foundations.

Non Profit Grant Funding

Grants are a great tool for nonprofits. Grants help foundations, corporations, and even government agencies engage in addressing community needs, so nonprofit professionals should constantly be looking for grants to support their community projects. When the funders you approach are a good fit with your organization’s work, and requests are well planned and propose meaningful change, grants can provide important resources to move your organization’s mission forward.

When seeking grant funding for nonprofit organizations, remember these important guidelines.
