What is a Capacity Building Grant for?

CLASSIC ARTICLE - Norton J. Kiritz explains why “grantwriting” is a misnomer – and why the basis of good grant proposal writing is good planning.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Grant applications that focus on an organization's internal needs pose special challenges. Grantsmanship Center trainer Susan Chandler offers pointers for writing these proposals more effectively.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - A Foundation Executive's Basic List of What to Do and Not Do When Requesting Funding. by Bill Somerville
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Donated labor often accounts for a significant portion of the in-kind match used to secure a grant. Here's how to calculate its dollar value.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - While there are important differences between grant proposals for research and grant proposals for programs, there are also many parallels. Grantsmanship Center trainer Charles R.
Learn to identify indirect costs in your organization, calculate an acceptable indirect-cost rate, and account for these when creating grant proposals.Learn to identify indirect costs in your organization, calculate an acceptable indirect-cost
CLASSIC ARTICLE - Outcome evaluation can tell you if a program is really working, but too many grantmakers and grant recipients fail to plan for it.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - The best grant proposals don't just make assertions. They back up claims with facts. Both statistical information and anecdotal evidence lend substance to a proposal. Norton J.
CLASSIC ARTICLE - As the needs of nonprofits for technology increase, so do the numbers of grant proposals for tech-related projects and equipment. America Online's Michele Cavataio has pored over thousands of requests for tech funding.