Where can I learn more about available federal funding?

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Where can I learn more about available federal funding?

The go-to site for learning about federal funding opportunities is Grants.gov. You can use the “Search Grants” function on this site in lots of different ways, including filtering by applicant eligibility.

As a reference, it can be helpful to look at past federal grant proposals that won funding.

  • Check federal agency websites. For example, the Department of Education, Department of Labor, and Department of Housing and Urban Development provide numerous examples of winning proposals.
  • Ask the program officer of the grant program you’re assessing to provide you with a copy of a funded proposal.
  • Ask your congressperson to get a copy for you. Be specific about the program title and ask for the top-rated proposal from the last competition.
  • Ask someone you know who won a grant award in the same program in the past couple of years.
  • Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for a winning proposal. Eight federal agencies participate in FOIA online, and most federal agency websites include instructions on the specific process they require for a FOIA request. You’ll find extensive information at foia.gov, as well as links to the FOIA pages of each federal agency.

The Grantsmanship Center also offers Competing for Federal Grants-Online, a 5-day training that will show you the ropes.